Nurture Global Citizenship, Join the Efforts!
2025 Theme: Diversity and Inclusivity–Actions for Sustainability
The 17th APRU Global Health Conference 2024
The 17th APRU Global Health Conference 2024 will be held in Bangkok, Thailand on November 4 – 6, 2024.
The Conference is organized by the School of Global Health, Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University in collaboration with the APRU Global Health Program. The theme of this year is “Harmonizing Human and Planetary Health Through Innovation, AI, and Digital Transformation.”
All sessions will be physically presented.
Dates: November 4 – 6, 2024
Venue: Bhumisiri Building, King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital, Bangkok, Thailand
Key Program Features

Orientation program, interactive lectures, workshops and training
provided by APRU member universities, UN agencies, and experts from the field.

Mentorship program
facilitated by academics and design thinking experts will guide teams of students to develop social innovation prototypes to address pressing challenges of our societies globally.

Winning team
will be awarded with an opportunity to join an event or a training organized by UN and Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok.

UN SDG Primer Course
which is self-paced will establish a common base of understanding and approach for the UN system in supporting the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

One-week onsite program either in Malaysia or Thailand
which will be co-hosted by Universiti Malaya and Chulalongkorn University. The onsite experiential learning will entail field visit to learn locally embedded unique case studies and practices via community engagement. Students will be trained with ethical understanding and practices of community-engaged research. The program will also provide cultural learning opportunities and workshop to share the insights and findings from the field visit, and teamwork to consolidate the data.

with students from 61 universities in 18 economies

Pitching competition
will showcase students’ work and will be judged by a panel of UN experts and practitioners.

Certificate of completion
jointly issued by partners

Credits can be provided to Chulalongkorn University students via GenEd.
Latest News
UN Partnership
Chulalongkorn University’s close partnership with the Office of the UN Resident Coordinator in Thailand will ensure the Program’s close linkages and support from various UN agencies across the globe, not to mention those from the Asia-Pacific region and Thailand. This program will receive full support from UN agencies in various aspects throughout its conception and implementation, which include but not limited to the following.
- Advice on SDG programs and up-to-date global issues
- Providing resource persons for lectures, trainings, and mentorship on relevant topics
- Providing judges at the social innovation competition
- Jointly issuing program certificates with core partners and APRU
- Provide additional youth engagement opportunities to the outstanding students to be selected, which will include invitation to a flagship UN event as youth participants. e.g. Asia Pacific Forum on Sustainable Development, Annual session of UNESCAP.
Contact Us
If there are other specific concerns not covered by this general FAQs on the right, please contact gned.oia@chula.ac.th.